Fiercely Committed to Delivering Results

I am fiercely committed to helping YOU figure out what you want out of life and designing a plan to achieve it.

I have walked in your shoes and had many

challenges - I get it!

I have a holistic method that clears through the clutter and the challenges and helps you to live and

work as you desire.

Life Blueprint Workshops, Custom Workshops (Individual, Business and Education) & Performance Coaching

Life Blueprint & Custom Workshops

Every journey needs a destination.

During these workshops I help you clarify your vision, mission, values, goals and objectives. From there, we create an accountable action plan to make them happen.

Performance Coaching

Are trying to figure things out - personally or professionally and you want to talk to someone.

Let's talk!

Schedule a complimentary 90 introductory call.

Let’s workshop together

Are trying to figure things out - personally or professionally and you want to talk to someone.

Let's talk!

Schedule a complimentary 90 introductory call.

About me

Business Guru: I have cultivated 30+ years of experience in business management and leadership. Combining experience, wisdom, performance coaching and some 'woo woo' I have successfully lead a joint venture between Nestle & Coke, created agencies from the ground floor to $20 Million in revenue and founded my own agency. And now I help others do the same!

Mentor: I love connecting with people, sharing in our wisdom and encouraging everyone to live their legacy. Vision & Performance driven coaching is critical to success - personally and professionally and I can help you get on track and stay on track!

Professor: Currently teaching Strategy, Creative Thinking, Principles of Marketing and doing real life Case Study and Consulting work with students at George Brown College and Loyalist College

Mother: Mother to two fur babies and three amazing kids who are out in the world doing what they love!

Writer: Author of Adversperience, blogger and currently in the process of publishing my new book Life Blueprint - available October 17th, 2023

Reader: I am a book and treasure-aholic! Writing and reading books is a huge passion of mine! Need a recommendation? Click here for some of my favourites!

Lover of Life: Books, travel, nature, "gypsea" at heart.

Superpower: Combining Wisdom and Woo Woo to Optimize Performance.

Nicole Gallucci

Copyright © 2023 Nicole Gallucci - All Rights Reserved.