Welcome to the musings of my meandering mind.

My mind never really stops. To process, to understand, to manage...I write. While I don't publish everything I write, I do publish what is shareable. I hope it makes you smile, laugh, perhaps cry, think and mostly feel as though there is a kindred spirit also trying to navigate the uncharted magical journey of life.

Blog Posts

What’s Worrying the World and How to Navigate as We Head into 2024

What’s Worrying the World and How to Navigate as We Head into 2024

December 02, 20234 min read

In preparation for this post I searched in all the key places — what are the top concerns facing people and business leaders today.

On average a list of 12 different items popped up and all were either directly or indirectly related.

I feel like wherever I turn people are worried.

Though I am an eternal optimist I too am stressed. Never in my life can I recall the volume of incomprehensible human atrocities, economic and environmental uncertainty. It all is very overwhelming to say the least.

So what are we to do.

Throwing in the towel or staying in bed and pulling the blanket over our heads is certain to not make things better.

Here’s what I am doing to stay sane, on track and positive about the years ahead:

1. I get out of bed! Sounds easy enough but lets be honest this is when anxiety is often the highest. Before I get out of bed I tell myself its going to be a great day. I have been saying this out loud for the past 2 weeks and its working! Call me crazy but give it a try — we can reprogram our brains and it starts with how we talk to ourselves. After I walk to myself 😉 I get up, put a happy play list (that is the actual name) on loud and force myself to dance my way to the bathroom.

2. I drink a homemade ginger shot (if that doesn’t get you going, nothing will!) and take my supplements.

3. I immediately exercise and go for a walk with Sadie (my amazing dog). If I don’t exercise first thing I won’t do it. I hate exercise but the other day I started to think about it as “medicine” for my body and it changed my perspective. Do what you need to do here to change your mindset — we need to move our bodies and build skeletal strength — it is critical for our health and longevity.

4. I stopped listening to the news and I am very selective with my social media. I am determined to make the world a better place but I don’t find that listening to the news or certain social accounts motivates me to deliver on my mission. I know the world is a mess and I am not putting my head in the sand and maybe I should be more aware but honestly, I find it overwhelming. So, I am going to do what I can “positively” do from my corner of the world!

5. I stick to my plan and mission. I am on a mission and if you follow me you know that. Sure I fall off the “wagon” but here is what gets me back on track in seconds: 1. My vision board — it is literally everywhere (on my wall, my wallpaper on my phone and desktop), 2. I remind myself of my current mission and what I need to do TODAY to work towards that. 3. Before I go to bed I go on a “treasure hunt” for al the things that went well in my day and propelled my mission forward. This way I follow asleep happy and/or fulfilled.

I am sure you will agree that when COVID ended we thought the world would be a happy, positive place, the economy would boom, friendships and love would abound because we missed each other so much and we would collectively work towards fixing our environmental issues. Unfortunately this has not happened. But I don’t think we should lose faith. There is still so much beauty in the world around us and I think we have all just lost sight of it because times have been challenging for so long. I know that my only way out is in. And by that I mean taking care of myself, my thoughts and my actions. In doing that I know I am a better person and can then help others. And my hope is that in helping, we collectively can make the world a better place.

2024 is days away and I am choosing to embrace the possibilities and make it an EXTRAORDINARY Year. My hand is stretched out to you as you read this inviting you to do the same. Grab my hand — together I truly, truly, truly believe we can make all our lives better and the world a better place. We got this!!!

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Nicole Gallucci

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